
No review is more trustworthy than a personal recommendation. Unlike the pages of reviews you can sift through online, personal recommendations operate from a place of established rapport, common interest, and first-hand knowledge. They minimize the search and maximize success because your recommender cares about your...

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” Henry David Thoreau “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Malcolm Forbes To fully experience life today, in terms of supply, time may be more valuable than money. Who today has the wherewithal to spend two years simply living on...

All investments can be divided into two categories, those the investor owns and those that are loans. Two Ways to Invest   Own Loan Real Estate Savings Natural Resources Certificates of Deposit Common Stock U. S Treasuries Fine Art U. S Agencies Rare Collectibles Corporate and Municipal Bonds Everyone who has a bank account invests by...

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